Bookwyrm note: just learnt how to add new titles for obscure anarchist titles to our local instance and put this one in! It is as simple as adding /create-book to the end of your instances url and filling out the details and uploading a pic of the cover. Definitely going to expand and add texts as I go through them now!
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Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther's books
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Sigmundur Mørkøre quoted Queering Anarchism by C. B. Daring
There is frequently a sense of "scarcity of liberation" within reformist social movements, the feeling that the possibilities for freedom are so limited that we must fight against the other marginalized groups for a piece of the pie. This is in direct opposition to the concept of intersectionality, since it often requires people to betray one aspect of their identity in order to politically prioritize another.
— Queering Anarchism by C. B. Daring, J. Rogue, Deric Shannon, and 1 other (Page 30 - 31)
While I applaud the great work that LGBT+ Faroe Islands have done, I can't help but critique their reformist strategy which only takes up one issue at the time, even having to take turns with other reformist movements.
It seems to me a better strategy would be a intersectional strategy which would fight for an all-encompassing liberation for all people.
I think J. Rogue explains the issue so eloquently and concisely in this quote.

Sigmundur Mørkøre wants to read The Conquest of Bread by Peter Kropotkin
Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther wants to read Jesus and the Abolitionists by Terry Stokes
Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther wants to read Saving History by Lauren R. Kerby

Saving History by Lauren R. Kerby
Millions of tourists visit Washington, D.C., every year, but for some the experience is about much more than sightseeing. Lauren …
Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther wants to read Beyond the Nation-State by Dmitry Shumsky

Beyond the Nation-State by Dmitry Shumsky
A revisionist account of Zionist history, challenging the inevitability of a one-state solution, from a bold, path-breaking young scholar
The …
Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther wants to read Courting Conflict by Lisa Hajjar

Courting Conflict by Lisa Hajjar
Israel's military court system, a centerpiece of Israel's apparatus of control in the West Bank and Gaza since 1967, has …
Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther wants to read Polarized and Demobilized by Dana El Kurd
Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther wants to read Anarchist Modernity by Sho Konishi

Anarchist Modernity by Sho Konishi
Mid-nineteenth century Russian radicals who witnessed the Meiji Restoration saw it as the most sweeping revolution in recent history and …
Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther wants to read No-State Solution by Daniel Boyarin
Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther wants to read With Freedom in Our Ears by Anna Elena Torres

With Freedom in Our Ears by Anna Elena Torres, Kenyon Zimmer, Tom Goyens, and 2 others
Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther finished reading Bloodstained by Barry Pateman
Vár Autumn Reinert Sommer-Winther wants to read The Anarchist Imagination by Carl Levy (Interventions)

The Anarchist Imagination by Carl Levy, Saul Newman (Interventions)
This is a broad ranging introduction to twenty-first-century anarchism which includes a wide array of theoretical approaches as well as …