User Profile

Sigmundur Mørkøre

Joined 4 months, 2 weeks ago

I develop websites, I currently work for Sansir as a front-end developer I am also a member of Sosialistisk Ung (SU).

My pronouns are they/them.

I sometimes make food, when I do, I like to spend a little extra time to make the plating to look a bit nicer, and then share images of the food.

I live in the Faroe Islands, and I can be contacted at

You can also find me here:

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avatar for Sigmundur Sigmundur Mørkøre boosted
Ursula K. Le Guin: The  Dispossessed (Hardcover, 1991, Harper Paperbacks) 5 stars

Shevek, a brilliant physicist, decides to take action. He will seek answers, question the unquestionable, …

The dispossessed

5 stars

Listened to the '87 CBC audio drama of it and it was such a time capsule to audio productions from another era. The specific seductive feminine voice, the music, the way shevek sounds like he is the voice actor for some favourite Canadian children's cartoon.

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avatar for Sigmundur Sigmundur Mørkøre boosted
Peter Gelderloos: Organization | Continuity | Community (Paperback, Detritus Books) 4 stars

False modesty has prevented us from seeing how effective we’ve been, ego has prevented us …

Bookwyrm note: just learnt how to add new titles for obscure anarchist titles to our local instance and put this one in! It is as simple as adding /create-book to the end of your instances url and filling out the details and uploading a pic of the cover. Definitely going to expand and add texts as I go through them now!

C. B. Daring, J. Rogue, Deric Shannon, Abbey Volcano: Queering Anarchism (Paperback, 2012, AK Press) No rating

What does it mean to “queer” the world around us? How does the radical refusal …

There is frequently a sense of "scarcity of liberation" within reformist social movements, the feeling that the possibilities for freedom are so limited that we must fight against the other marginalized groups for a piece of the pie. This is in direct opposition to the concept of intersectionality, since it often requires people to betray one aspect of their identity in order to politically prioritize another.

Queering Anarchism by , , , and 1 other (Page 30 - 31)

While I applaud the great work that LGBT+ Faroe Islands have done, I can't help but critique their reformist strategy which only takes up one issue at the time, even having to take turns with other reformist movements.

It seems to me a better strategy would be a intersectional strategy which would fight for an all-encompassing liberation for all people.

I think J. Rogue explains the issue so eloquently and concisely in this quote.

avatar for Sigmundur Sigmundur Mørkøre boosted
Naomi Braine: Abortion beyond the law (Paperback, 2023, Verso) No rating

How feminists across Latin America, Africa, and Europe are making self-managed abortion available to all–and …

Really good book covering the history of global abortion activism and how it transcends borders and legal frameworks. The book focuses on how the modern focus on Self-Managed Abortion, became the foundation of a global feminist movement.

Really good, informative book that will inspire anyone looking to get an overview of the struggle for abortion rights globally.

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avatar for Sigmundur Sigmundur Mørkøre boosted