Slow Down

The Degrowth Manifesto

288 pages

Published Jan. 9, 2024 by Astra House.

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4 stars (2 reviews)

Why, in our affluent society, do so many people live in poverty, without access to health care, working multiple jobs and are nevertheless unable to make ends meet, with no future prospects, while the planet is burning?

In his international bestseller, Kohei Saito argues that while unfettered capitalism is often blamed for inequality and climate change, subsequent calls for “sustainable growth” and a “Green New Deal” are a dangerous compromise. Capitalism creates artificial scarcity by pursuing profit based on the value of products rather than their usefulness and by putting perpetual growth above all else. It is therefore impossible to reverse climate change in a capitalist society—more: the system that caused the problem in the first place cannot be an integral part of the solution.

Instead, Saito advocates for degrowth and deceleration, which he conceives as the slowing of economic activity through the democratic reform of labor and production. In …

2 editions

Really Disappointing Read

2 stars

The author is in dire need of a literary review.

Slow Down has an extraordinarily myopic view of theory that doesn't appear to have incorporated anything (maybe a little Graeber) that has been written outside of Marx in the last 150 years. The author attempts to reproduce anarchism from first principles relying on some unpublished musing by Marx near the end of his life rather than just reading the writers who've already addressed these ideas, at length, and much better. But that would require them to stick their head outside of the sphere of academic Marxism.

If you dumped all of Chapter 4 (Marx and the Anthropocene) and struck everything that mentions Marx from the text... you might have a descent essay outlining some of the broader ideas in the area Degrowth. But still nothing that a reading of Wikipedia wouldn't have gotten you.

I guess if you have any …

Essential reading

5 stars

It has been a while since a book so accurately responded to my deepest worries. I had heard the name of Kohei Saito but never approached his writing before. This book is amazing, clear and easy to read but also profound and dare I say it, truly revolutionary. Saito is a Marxist scholar, and in this book he approaches the climate and environmental crisis through Marxism and proposes Degrowth Communism as the solution for human civilisation to survive. His argument is cogent. He starts out by debunking the myth of green growth and argues why capitalism is ill suited to respond to the needs of our time. He then writes how Marx himself had arrived to the idea of degrowth communism (although likely never actually called it that way) as he got older and his unpublished notes and research prove this evolution in his thought. The book closes by showing …