El método Bullet Journal

Examina tu pasado. Ordena tu presente. Diseña tu futuro

Paperback, 320 pages

Spanish language

Published Jan. 21, 2020 by Booket.

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4 stars (3 reviews)

For years, Ryder Carroll tried countless organizing systems, online and off, but none of them fit the way his mind worked. Out of sheer necessity, he developed a method called the Bullet Journal that helped him become consistently focused and effective. When he started sharing his system with friends who faced similar challenges, it went viral. Just a few years later, to his astonishment, Bullet Journaling is a global movement. The Bullet Journal Method is about much more than organizing your notes and to-do lists. It's about what Carroll calls "intentional living": weeding out distractions and focusing your time and energy in pursuit of what's truly meaningful, in both your work and your personal life. It's about spending more time with what you care about, by working on fewer things. Carroll wrote this book for frustrated list-makers, overwhelmed multitaskers, and creatives who need some structure. Whether you've used a Bullet …

11 editions

Interesting short hand journaling method

4 stars

I really liked this book. A very down to earth approach on this unique journaling method, which is essentially kind of shorthand, and certainly can go long form content.

The idea is to keep your entire life in this journal, ideally paper for the first couple months until you get the flow. It does require planning/reflection times to move things around between the lists. And carry the journal with you almost all the time. Never know when you might get an idea. One can master it by making it personal to their needs - he has a couple examples in the book.

The book has occasional pictures which make the concepts pretty clear. There is a member-paid forum on the web site if you want to meet other fans.

Overall, the method is not complex, and can help people organize their thoughts and plans. Liked it!

Metodologia interessante, mas muito auto-ajuda

No rating

Gostei muito de conhecer a metodologia do Bullet Journal e vou incorporar seu uso em 2024, até já comprei um caderno para isso. Único problema é que em determinado momento a leitura do livro se mostrou arrastada pra mim, pois ele possui muito conteúdo de auto-ajuda que não interessava para mim. Segue minha resenha por capítulo, para você ver se interessa ler o livro inteiro ou não. Eu acho que o próprio autor podia seguir seu conceito de menos é mais e lançar uma versão "pocket" do livro. Seria interessantíssimo ter uma versão mais reduzida do livro, de bolso, apenas ensinando a técnica, sem o conteúdo de auto-ajuda. Vamos à resenha por capítulos:

  1. Preparação: me incomodou um pouco o convencimento do autor sobre a eficácia do método. Se estou lendo o livro, já estou curioso a respeito do método, então não considero esse convencimento importante. Considero que o próprio método …